coolbroth canyon cabin directions

Hwy 285 to road G turn west
There will be a sign for La Garita
There will also be a brown sign that says Penitente Canyon
Directions once you turn on G:
5 miles on G the road turns right (North)
in 0.25 miles the road turns left (West)
5.9 miles from starting on G the road forks.
Bear right on payment, road becomes 41G.
9.3 miles from starting on G the pavement will end
After 11.8 miles from starting on G, turn left on J36.
J36 is after the rock formation Hellgate (big rock on the left)
There will be a green street sign there (hiding by a tree).
Turn left to go down into a meadow start up a little one lane road.
Once on J36 you will go 3.4 miles until the road forks.
Follow the red pickup in the following links.
672 goes to the left. Take the right hand fork.
In 100 yards or so, you will see a little white "No Trespassing" sign.
Go .2 of a mile from the fork and at the top of the hill
Take the left fork followed immediately by a right fork.
Then follow the marking ribbons .3 of a mile to the cabin.
Bear left onto the more worn road.



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